Twenty two years and counting, this is the number of years I have known Hanwen. A best friend who treats the rest of the world bad with only one exception -ME. His angel side appears only for me. Listens and laughs to my jokes. Sometimes I wonder if its joyous laughter from the heart or could it be just a laughter of sarcasm. Who knows? Maybe he laughs it off and says 'Next joke u idiot! This one's not funny.'
This brotherhood began since pre-primary. Can you believe it? That was two decades ago and the brotherhood is still stong and growing. Like Jack's bean sprout. Sky's the limit.
Hanwen, you have been walking this journey called life with me. I don't know how lonesome I would be should you one day decide to migrate and leave me stranded. Promise me that you will bring me along. Look, don't get me wrong. I wasn't talking about that 'taboo' word. Whatever it is, you too, like me, never fail to amaze me in our witty conversations. Seriously, if I am gone, I know your tears will flow for me but you by then should already have kept thousands of memories in your heart of this brotherhood.
Thank you for everything and I dare say this to you. I love you bro.... And I meant it.If only you were a lady.... :)
1 comment:
Dear bruder, i dun know what else to say after reading all your touching comments, i can only ask...
Can i f*@k u pls?
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