Looking at the subject, don't be mistaken that 'Mah Mah', my paternal grandmother is going on strike and having a cold war with me or any other family member. It's just that she just recovered from a pretty long illness that didn't allow her to eat and talk for almost 8 months. Bad isn't it? Throughout this turmoil, she never shed a tear nor blamed her fate for mistreating her with this sickness.
Am glad the ordeal for her is over as she is almost fully recovered and have been active again playing mahjong and nagging. See, nagging is always part of older people. This grandmother of mine can be easily agitated so don't push your luck too far when making fun of her but other than that, she is cool.
I have to admit that I wasn't so close to her when I was younger but it was only until we started playing mahjong - for my foreign friends who do not know what mahjong is, its a game played by four players, also a form of gambling. Anyway, yes, its mahjong that brought us closer together. Sandy, grandma, godma and me. We often played together to pass time. Who says gambling break families? They brought us together somehow.
'Mah mah' can be funny at times, cracking the funniest jokes ever. She would often warn us sternly not to get too close to her whenever she is walking because should we be careless and hit her , we would end up having our three meals at the foot of the block for a few days. For your information, Chinese funerals are often held for a few days at void decks thus you know what she meant right? Can you imagine this? Old people are usually taboo about such stuff but not for her. She's just cool, keep it up 'Mah Mah'.